Construction companies often use hazard reporting systems to engage the workforce in creating a safer work environment. Hazard reporting systems usually incorporate some form of hazard identification report that workers use to report hazards they observe. Such tools implemented effectively positively impact the management of safety hazards. 

In this issue, David Dunham shows you how to create an AI-enabled hazard reporting system using freely available software. In so doing, Dunham demonstrates another practical use of generative AI by those working in the construction industry.

Such practical applications of AI, as regularly reported here at AI Construction News stand in opposition to what is perhaps a skepticism of AI's cost/benefit ratio—that is to say, the negative impression many have of artificial intelligence. That skepticism is evident in Michael Causey's report on the findings of a recent survey of workers across industries. Among the findings (no real surprise) is that the construction is the most AI-resistant across industry types. 

Craig Hurst, Chairman of the Canadian Construction Association, tells AI Construction News that too much hyperbole about the negatives of artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most significant factors slowing its adoption among mid- and small-size construction firms. Among the concerns, fears that AI will replace humans and cut jobs are "generally misplaced."

The pattern is familiar, though. With greater resources, large firms are often the leaders in experimenting with new technology. That's not to mention construction technology firms that naturally must explore how they can use AI to enhance and improve their products. 

Readers of these pages know that an individual with initiative can find ways to employ AI to benefit their workday, generating initial drafts of myriad documents necessary for a project. 
There are new applications of generative AI nearly every day. Processes described a year ago already look rudimentary as many new tools and methods now enhance them. Still, some are committed to "wait and see."

Others will explore and advance the technology; at some point, the wait-ers will jump in and benefit from all of the experimentation and learning of others. In the meantime, enterprising managers are already boosting their productivity and effectiveness by employing a new, very low-cost assistant called generative AI. 

Also in this issue, catch up on AI in the News.


"AI is the most embarrassing thing we've invented during man's timeline on earth. This seems to be the justification for AI: 'I couldn't do it.'" – Jerry Seinfeld